Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Are you a Hardgainer ?

Losing Weight, Gaining Weight, Getting Ripped, Getting Bigger, Getting Buff.

It seems we are all intent on changing the way we look, be it for health reasons, success at work, attracting a partner or even just basic self esteem.

But we are all made created differently, and a 'look' that is popular today may be difficult or even unattainable if your own particular makeup is vastly different to the makeup that would create that look!

As a typically skinny guy, putting on weight that didn't end up as love handles, has always been difficult. Luckily there is a whole industry based on this and i am always on the look out for ways to put on healthy weight.


Ectomorph Somatypes
My definition of a hardgainer is the naturally skinny person, who no matter what he eats, always seem to remain the same body weight. This is what Dr. William H. Sheldon referred to as an "ectomorph" somatotype when he came up with the theory sometime in the 1940's. Sheldon's theory states that human bodies are divided into three main somatotypes; the ectomorph, the endomorph and the mesomorph. In a nutshell, the ectomorph is the naturally skinny person who has trouble gaining weight, whether in the form of muscle or fat. The endomorph on the other hand has the opposite problem, it is too easy for a person with this body type to gain weight. While endomorphs are easy muscle gainers, provided they diet and train correctly, they are cursed with a slow metabolism, which makes it imperative that they be strict with their diet year round if they wish to have any abdominal definition. 
The mesomorph, however, is the naturally muscular person, who also has a higher metabolism than the endomorph. Mesomorphs make excellent bodybuilders and for them, gains in muscle and reduction in body fat come rather easily provided they maintain a great training and nutrition program; life is not fair. 
Here at HEQUIPMENT we have a particular soft spot for the HARDGAINER.
Watch for posts on Exercise Programs, Nutrition Advice, and Fashion Tips to improve the life of the Hardgainer.

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