Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top 10 Super-Foods You NEED to know about...

Mike Geary's 'Truth About Abs' website is a great source of insiration for many men and women in their attempt to keep and attain a healthy body. Mike (not so) recently published a little article about superfoods.

Here is a tempter:
These are definitely some of the best foods you can eat for your health... Full of antioxidants, chock full of vitamins, minerals and good fats; they help to fix the damage we do every day with diets, environmental stressors, chemical additives and physical stress. If you can include a few servings of these foods in your weekly diet, you will be adding a lot to your good health, and preventing many diseases that could be coming your way otherwise.

The list includes some superstars you may already know about and newly discovered foods such as:
  1. Goji Berry
  2. Acai Berry
  3. Grass-Fed Meats and Wild-Caught Salmon
  4. Almonds, Walnuts and Other Nuts
  5. Avocados
  6. Garlic, Onions, Leeks and Shallots
  7. Tomatoes
  8. Sprouts
  9. Grass-Fed Raw Dairy Milk, Cheese, and Butter
  10. Fermented Foods
The full article is found here: http://www.truthaboutabs.com/top-10-superfoods-great-health.html

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